Urdu (اردو) Resources

Teams of Christians from around the world are passionate for God’s Word and furthering his Kingdom by making sound theology available to pastors, church leaders and lay people. They recognize the importance of Third Millennium’s curriculum as an integral part of their personal growth and a dynamic and powerful tool to train Christian leaders. Bringing their talents together, they translate manuscripts, record audio and produce videos of Thirdmill’s material. We are pleased to post here all the curriculum produced in this language as it becomes available.

رسولوں کا عقیدہ
(The Apostles' Creed)

  • ایمان کے بنیادی ستون
    (Lesson 1: The Articles of Faith)
  • دوسرا سبق
    (Lesson 2: God the Father)

  • (Lesson 3: Jesus Christ)

  • (Lesson 4: The Holy Spirit)

  • (Lesson 5: The Church)

  • (Lesson 6: Salvation)